Friday, February 22, 2013

WOD| Friday February 22nd, 2013

3 min AMRAP Double Unders -or- Singles (x25%)
10 Lunge Steps (2 count)
10 Decline Push-Ups (round 1)/10 Incline Push-Ups (round 2)
10 Scissor Kicks (2 count)
2 min AMRAP Star Jumps
*score will be: max double unders,max star jumps & total time.

Friday, February 15, 2013

WOD| Friday, February 15th 2013

Squat Clinic

15 Min AMRAP Ladder
Jump Rope (starting at 10)
Bear Crawl

Ladder format is as follows: 
A clock will count down from 15 min, athlete will do:
10 Jump ropes/Bear Crawl/1 Burpee/Bear Crawl
20 Jump Ropes/Bear Crawl/ 2 Burpees/ Bear Crawl
30 Jump Ropes/Bear Crawl/3 Burpees/Bear Crawl
...and so on for 15 min

*For those wanting to do this at home, bear crawl roughly 15-20 feet.
**You have the option to do the exercises on opposite sides of the room  and bear crawl to each station, or bear crawl halfway there and back each time for the same station. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

WOD| Friday, February 8th 2013

It's that time of the week again! For this Friday's workout I am thinking about having a "team" exercise. If we do not have enough people for the team exercise, I will have an alternative workout.

4 Rounds, 5 minute EMOM (every minute on the minute)
One person will do the first workout AMRAP for 30 seconds 
while the other person holds the second workout, then switch. 
Round 1: Squat/Squat Hold
-2 min break-
Round 2: Push-ups*/Leg Lift Hold
-2 min break-
Round 3: Sit-up/Plank Hold
-2 min break-
Round 4: Jumping Jacks/Wall Sit
*MOD will be MED Ball shoulder press

Alternate WOD:
15 min EMOM
3 Push Ups
5 Squats
AMRAP Butterfly Sit-ups
Each athlete will do the three exercises in order at the start of every minute.
Athletes will keep a running count of the sit-ups, 
at the end of the workout the total number of situps will be tallied.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Home WOD 2/5/13

Hey everyone!
Hope you had a great weekend, here is a WOD for those looking to do a little extra at home! Like always, even if you choose not to do this particular workout, do something physical!

Home WOD| February 5th, 2013:
20 min AMRAP (as many rounds possible)
25 Jumping Jacks
15 Sit Ups
10 Lunges (2 count)

For those who forgot how an AMRAP works you will work for 20 minutes straight and do each exercise in order to complete a round. At the end of the 20 minutes count how many rounds you did, a round is not complete until you have gone through all three exercises in order.

 If I did all three exercises 15 times in the 20 minutes I would have done 15 "rounds". For an accurate score add whatever reps you did for an incomplete round, so if I did 15 rounds plus 25 jumping jacks and 5 sit ups my score will be 15 rounds +30.